Don’t get startled when I say ” LAST POST “, by no means this meant my last post, what I intended to say was this will be my last post of the year. Given my recent posting cadence which has gotten pretty sporadic in the last few months- I bet this is my last post of 2024. I try to be more regular but when you’ve bitten more than you can chew- nothing gets done. Between 3 instagram accounts, TikTok, YouTube, Reiki – I feel I am always worked up and not able to give my hundred percent anywhere.
Plus, the whole process of content-creation has changed and I am still trying to navigate these dark waters. It is more salesy vs more valuable like in the past. It is less fun and more chore-like and everyone knows I never enjoyed doing chores…. :). No judging, but everyone is now an influencer/ blogger/ content-creator, some good, some irrelevant and some in the ‘what were you thinking’ category. My content always seems to get lost in the vast sea of content out there and it sucks- TRUST ME!

Anyways, I’m not going to bore your with more of this ranting. Instead I’m here to share some fun and random things and thoughts that have been a part of my life lately. For instance this November I went on my most amazing media trip to Turkey. It was like a dream come true. What this trip taught me was to never stop manifesting. If you really believe in yourself and what you deserve, the universe conspires and brings it to you.
A little back story- my family and I were scheduled to travel to Turkey for my 40th birthday back in 2022. All bookings and reservations done, but illness befell and we all got Covid. Resultant, we had to cancel our trip and Turkey trip was put on a back burner. I was deeply saddened but never expressed my sadness to anyone. But, universe knew how much this trip meant to me. Fast forward to Sept 2024, out of no where Turkish airlines team reaches out to me for a collaboration. My first reaction was ” it’s too good to be true “, but it was true.
This past November I flew to Turkey for a week, allllllllll expenses paid. I traveled to Istanbul and Cappadocia with Turkish Airlines and met so many amazing travel advisors on the trip ( HERE ). It was like an unspoken, inherent manifestation that came to life. I desired, never stopped dreaming and there it was – TURKEY….. just a couple years later. I am no manifestation expert, but believing in yourself, your dreams, your capabilities and wishing the best and highest for yourself plays a big role in manifestation, and I am the living testimony to that!

Talking about traveling, so a friend made a remark on one of my IG London layover posts that I am so lucky to be always traveling to great destinations. Six months ago I would’ve agreed to luck playing a pivotal role. But, in true sense its not luck- it’s all the hard work that my husband and I have put into building a life of abundance. There is abundance in health, wealth, love, family, friendships, and everything in between. We are constantly evolving and are blessed that we can live the life we have today. It is a reward to us by the universe in lieu of all our hard work.
I was never so positive, but thanks to Reiki for changing my perspective. Becoming a Reiki channel has definitely brought out the best in me. I look and approach situations differently and it has made such a deep impact on myself and people around me. A woman is the center of happiness and health in her family and when she is healthy and happy- everyone else is.

THAILAND- I promise my last travel update. First week of December, we all flew to Hua Hin, Thailand for my niece’s big fat Indian wedding and it was a BIG in all respect. For all those who thought were too old to pull an all-nighter, made it to the official party-peeps gang, including yours truly. We danced and partied till dawn, ate and drank like there was no tomorrow. There was family, fun, laughter, teasing, bitching, drinking, and madness. Love and blessings to my niece and her cute hubs. Catch a glimpse of the our outfits and wedding festivities HERE. More coming soon…….
Shifting gears from all the traveling to holiday shopping- so what are you shopping for this holiday? Honestly, I had shopped so much for the wedding, talk about 7 outfits in 3 days, I didn’t really feel the urge to shop for the holidays. I have plenty of options for the few parties I’ll be attending this year. Due to the wedding travels, I missed most of the local influencer events and holiday parties anyways, so I don’t need any more retail therapy. I am happy, I am content and have plenty.

While I wasn’t going to actually shop, I couldn’t resist buying this beautiful JACKET. One, it was on sale and two, I was highly influenced by Instagram to buy it. I saw it on another influencer and knew that I needed it too. I tried the jacket with a black and white dress on the inside and can’t wait to show you the stunning outfit combo I have planned.
Last but not the least, are you making any New Year Resolutions? Truth be told- I am not. I feel resolution- making is so overrated. You first make the resolution and then you talk about not keeping up with it. Making rational changes, taking baby-steps always helps you achieve your goals- so why be harsh on yourself with a list?

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