With the pace things and society is moving, I feel there is no authenticity left in anything. Personal feelings, relationships, human perception, or for that matter whatever your eyes see feels fake, so superficial! Let’s take the beauty industry for instance; fake lashes, fake brows, lip plumping, fillers, botox and what not- everything is fake, and human induced. There is nothing natural left there.
So on a lighter note; when everything around us is fake……. lets fake looking richer. Yes, you hear me right !!! I will be sharing some simple, daily practices that you can do to look more richer…..SARTORIALLY and PHYSICALLY !

Sartorial Changes
Always pay extra heed to your outfit. An outfit planned ahead of time always goes a long way in making you feel confident. Take ten minutes, pull out the pieces you need, iron them, lay them flat on your bed or hang them by a hanger, not only will it be your ticket to feeling million bucks, but also save you time when getting ready.
Pay close attention to the fitting of the clothing when shopping. Take it to a seamstress if something feels off and you think having a professional touch will give it the fit and feel- go for it! It will be worth the pain and money. A few bucks towards tailoring now will count in the long run. Delicate feminine fabrics and details like lace and embellishments also give that luxe feel to your look.
Additionally, there are so many simple hacks all over the internet to elevate your everyday outfit. For instance the rubber band hack that helps you keep your loose blazer sleeves in place. This pulled up blazer sleeves look is by-far the easiest, instant way to looking luxe! So check out the internet and save the hack you see- it is free!!!

Physical APPEarance
Take time to do your hair and makeup. This often tends to rank high on the for-granted list for most of us, but believe me ‘a freshly done hair and a little makeup always make you look and feel a million bucks.’ Personally, for me red lips and straight flat-ironed hair does the trick. I generally stay away from claw clutches and messy scrunched up styles as they really do nothing but comes through as being lazy.
Even if you are making a ponytail, make it neat, smooth out the flyaways with some hairspray or mascara, polishing is key….

Pay extra attention to your choice of accessories. Remember to accessorize chic. I am very particular when it comes to accessorizing my outfits. I try to keep it minimal, with a thin strand of necklace, a couple rings and a bracelet if my wrist is showing. I have a few go-to piece that I always reach out for. Don’t overload your jewelry to look like a mobile jewelry store. Keep it classy.
Talking about shoes nothing is more classy and chic than a pair of pumps. I have so many pairs of shoes but I have just been rotating between the few pairs of pumps that I collected over the last few years. To take your pumps-game to the next level look out for details like studs and unconventional colors. Not only do they look snazzy, they look expensive as well.

sale stalking
The above three were more of the physical aspect, but this one is the materialistic aspect of feeling and looking like a million bucks. A couple of things I would recommend investing in is designer bags and statement coats. Visit your local designer stores, make friends with the sales rep, get on their newsletter and check back during sale periods. You are sure to snag a deal on the bag or jacket you had been stalking. Your job doesn’t end here though, make sure you take care of your investment. Always keep it in the dust bag, wipe it clean after every use, nurture it like a baby. You take good care of something, it will take good care of you!

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