I planned this shoot for today’s special post as it is my victory picture at my happy place where I’ve made peace with life as a blogger and learnt how to deal with the daily challenges that comes along.
STRESS, ANXIETY, FOMO, DEPRESSION, BUDGET PROBLEMS, GUILT-are these words that come to your mind post FUN, FASHION, LUXURY when I say Social Media?
While Instagram is the most glamorous social media platform, it is also a hub for influencers to share their personal stories. Talking about personal stories bloggers are now opening up about their mental health and I am so glad it’s happening. Because whenever I would talk about my anxiety and postpartum depression- I would feel like I was being judged and all eyes were on me for having spoken about it.

Outfit details
- Dress- H&M conscious exclusive ( sold out), shop similar here
- Heels- TORY BURCH, shop similar here
- Necklace – TJ Maxx ( old), shop similar here
- Belt- MOSCHINO, shop same and other colors here
Pictures are worth a thousand words and while it may show the rosier side of the subject, all the struggles, tears, sweat, hard work, and multi-management that goes into creating that one awesome picture always goes unnoticed. Folks are now doing REELs captioned ” WHAT YOU SEE ” and ” WHAT I SEE ” where they are giving you a peek into the BTS and I can relate to it in so many ways.
Truth be told it feels so relieving to know that I am not the only one who feels beat as a content creator, there are a million others who feel like that every single day. I’ve rounded up some of the emotional, mental, physical, psychological, sociological unrest that we face every single day as influencers.

ANXIETY/DEPRESSION – These two words have now become synonymous to fame and popularity. If you want to witness fame, you need to accept mental unrest as it comes and also find ways to deal with it. The numbers, the algorithm, instant gratification, follower count- since when did these become our prime concern when the main purpose of signing up for these platforms was to build a healthy community and promote our content? I know it’s all in the numbers but what’s the point of these numbers when your mental health score is plunging? Why do we run behind these frivolous things in life when life is so unpredictable and our focus needs to be on our’s and our families health?
While answers to these questions remain a mystery, I had to figure out a way to deal with the stress. It’s hard but not impossible. Exercising, meditation, stepping out for some fresh air when I’m feeling the most anxious, penning down my thoughts, talking to husband about anything but social media, taking longer breaks from phone and screen, shutting down my phone and laptop, going through older pictures- these are just some of the ways that help me find my balance instantly.

THE COMPARISON GAME– I think this is the bane of our existence- we can never stop comparing. FOMO, the fear of missing out is real and it is this fear that eventually leads us to the path of stress and anxiety. Social media always plays the mind games with you. It will show you more of the content you recklessly explore. Just scrolling down through the explore page, I’m sure it helps aids connecting with like-minded people, but tell me one time when you saw someone and you went like- “ahhh, wish I had that and wish I was like that?”. This is a form of self-pity and it would either make you strong-willed where you actually work towards achieving those things or lifestyle or just make you all the more miserable.
No offense to anyone but I’ve blocked/unfollowed accounts that lure me into the comparison trap. The accounts that appear to have resorted to unscrupulous ways to grow are no longer a part of my ‘FOLLOWING’ list. I don’t hold any personal grudge against anyone but my mental health is more important to me than just following someone. I don’t recklessly browse through the explore page unless I’m seriously looking for everyday people and authentic accounts to connect with.

GUILT- The guilt of not giving enough time to your family, the guilt of not being the mom involved in your child’s everyday activities, the guilt of being distracted when your child needs attention, the guilt of being neck high in clutter and house chores while you are casually browsing through your phone, the guilt of having missed wishing your favorite aunt on her birthday all of this is real folks! We all are constantly sailing on this boat but why, when we are the ones who have to the anchor this boat? No one is going to rescue us because at the end of the day all these materialistic things don’t matter. They will give you instant gratification today but tomorrow it will have no value. But, the guilt and regret will always stay. The time gone today will never return, the time that you could have spent teaching your child basic multiplication, or even teaching him/her how to pit the fruits- it will never return.
I have made a few lifestyle changes in the past. I have a daily schedule that I’m completely accountable for. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, personal health, exercising, homework time, craft time, family game time, each of this has a time apportioned on that schedule. Riri is my number one priority and I would never trade that for anything. I make sure to connect with my family and friends every couple days, even if it’s for a quick second. Initially, it will be hard to take a social media break to have a real life, but trust me guys the happiness outside social media is unexpectedly more real and satisfying.

BUSTED BUDGETS– this is another challenge we have to face everyday as a content-creator. PR boxes and gifts from brands are always appreciated, but sometimes you gotta traverse the #notsponsored path, show genuity and talk about a product that you’ve used since teen hood or may be since you got pregnant. All of this involves spending your own money, especially when you like to showcase trendier pieces or home decor. Trends change every day and you have to keep abreast of all the top-of-the line things to create that trending content. This comes with a price and a budget that is most of the times maxed out.
I have had months when I went over budget. I allocate my budget wisely but sometimes I too get tempted. Every time I am in the market for something, I ask myself these questions- ‘do I need it? ‘, ‘does it fit my lifestyle?’, ‘will the gratification from it be permanent or temporary?’, ‘ is it worth my time and money?’, – if the answer is YES to 3 out of 4 of these questions, I buy it. Other times I return products when I’ve maxed out my budget during any given month. Simple mantra- don’t stress, just let it go…

These are just some of the commonly seen issues, do let me know if you think some other issues could be added to the list.
Get my look
Congratulations to Karen of Lady in Violet, she is the featured blogger of the week.

Now it is your turn to share your favorite looks.
Thank you for sharing the realities and struggles of being an influencer. I’m new to blogging and finding that the guilt factor is especially relatable.
But also wanted to say that’s such a gorgeous dress and you wear it beautifully! x
What a beautiful dress! I love this color green and it looks absolutely magnificent on you! I am all about genuine and authentic people in the real world as well as online. I started my blog on the sole basis of wanting to share fun style as well as my mental health journey. It is so important to discuss the uncomfortable things. It keeps things real, for sure. Beuatiful post and message!