Welcome to the MOM’s league ladies: whether you are a new mom or a second timer or even more, you all are welcome! First of all, let me congratulate you all on the incredible work you are doing as a MOM. Not only are you doing an awesome job as a mom, you are playing the cook, cleaner, driver, nurse, teacher’s role to perfection as well. Doing all this ain’t easy and you gotta give it to yourself for standing up to the everyday challenges of motherhood.

Outfit details
- TOP- Sandra Mansour X H&M, shop similar here and here
- SKIRT- Sandra Monsour X H&M, shop similar here and here
- HEELS- Disney X Aldo Shoes, shop similar here and here
- BAG- Gucci GG Mormont Bag
- NECKLACE- Zara, shop similar here
While being a mom is the most hardest, it is undeniably the most beautiful chapter of one’e life. It is actually a privilege that you’ve been granted and hence should enjoy every minute of it. There are ups and downs and in the rarest of occasion is it perfect! Well, I like mine imperfect coz with imperfection comes learning. Everyday poses a new set of challenges, new situations and new learning moments. This may be my pep talk to self, but there are times when I look at the celeb moms and go like ” what the hell do they do to be able to manage all of that and still look sane “?? I understand that they have their own entourage, their own army of folks for everything but a mom is a mom and no one can fill in for that. What they have is a system and discipline: a system that makes them that kick-ass mom and I am sharing some of my hacks, my system that I have developed over time and that I seem to be thriving on well!
1) Know that you can do it: when you can deliver a baby, you can do any damn thing. There might be times when your children test your limits, and you feel like pulling out your hair, and you might be tempted to holler at them, but tell me would yelling help?? Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them leaves an impression. So why not give them all the good energy you can. They learn from what they see around them, so why not empower them with your best. If you ever have that “I am done” feeling, just walk away, take a minute or two to gain your composure. Self-empwering through a quick pep talk aka daily affirmation help: just stand in front of the mirror, take a deep breath and repeat to self “I CAN DO IT“!

2) Don’t try to be the DAD: as much as a mom would like to be in control of things, it’s okay to let your guard down and delegate. You are not alone in this, a DAD should share all the rights and responsibilities. He is the dad, he should be aware of what is happening with his children. Don’t hesitate to ask dad to drive the kids to their karate over the weekend or pick them up from their after school activity. You do it all the time, it’s time for dad’s to share some duties and please “don’t feel guilty at all.” In my case, I did everything for Riri until she was five and until I started working multiple jobs. Work was then divided between hubs and I. Now, I stay back home after work to cook dinner, while he drives Riri to all her after schools and weekend birthdays. Win-win for all!
3) It is okay to indulge sometimes: be it extra couple of hours of sleep on a Saturday, or a mid week pedicure, we all deserve that occasional pampering. As much as I love the concept of celebrating Mother’s day, I feel mothers never stop doing what they do, so why should we celebrate them on just one day. Everyday should be Mother’s day and moms should be celebrated every day. Respecting them, acknowledging their worth should be done every single day. Don’t feel guilty if you order take out twice a week, or hang out with your girlfriends on a Saturday night- we all need that downtime. Remember every machinery needs periodical tuning and oiling, and we moms are no less than a machinery. So, go forward and use that extra time to indulge and tune up. And remember to keep that cell phone away when sleeping in late, social media can wait. I promise you will feel like a whole new you, ready to take up any God damn challenge!

4) wear a pair of kick-ass heels: studies prove that a pair of high heels not only have a behavioral but also a physical stimuli on females. Women who wear high heels feel more strong, empowered, confident, and and attractive. They suddenly acquire this sense of confidence and kick-ass attitude. The explanation is kind of uncanny, but in high heels a woman’s buttocks appear larger and so does her breasts, and we all live for perky breasts and butts….right??? Whatsoever, the underlying motto is to feel good about yourself and to exude all that self-confidence, and have that “I CAN DO IT” attitude, so be it through a pair of kick-ass heels or glass slippers as in my case!!

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