Cat Eyeliner, Winged Eyeliner, Classic Eyeliner- it all sounded alien to me until a few years ago. Had I not been a blogger I wouldn’t have actually bothered to delve into the beauty industry and the rules pertaining to it and an eyeliner would have just meant an eyeliner to me and nothing. But the deeper I delve into beauty-nomics, the more terms and techniques unravel each day. Honestly speaking, it can be a lot to take in but I wanted to take the simplest approach and bring to you the basic, most-archivable eyeliner shapes and the types of eyeliner applicators you could use depending on your skill-level.

As the name says, the BOLD eyeliner is for all the beauty-enthisasts who love to add some mystery to their eyes. I call it the crease-filler eyeliner. It might look hard but the good thing is ‘you can skip the eyeshadow overall and use your eyeliner to create the desired shape along your crease.’ The rule of thumb is to follow the shape of your eye and you’ll never go wrong.

Simplest of all eyeliners, the SIMPLE is for everyone. This involves drawing a thin line along your eye, following the lash line, starting from the inner corner and going all the way up to the outer corner of the eye. You can keep the line thick or thin depending on your eye-shape and personal preference.

This one is my favorite- the WINGED is for all those trying to bring some drama to their eyeliner game. This is very feminine and makes your eyes look big and dramatic. There is no extent to how long your wing can be, just follow your heart and your mood.

Cat Eye
Think 70’s when someone mentions the CAT EYELINER. Every time someone mentions cat eyeliner, I envision a librarian looking dapper in her midi tweed dress, peeking through her Cat-shaped eye glasses and her eyeliner game as dramatic as her Cat eye glasses. This eyeliner has now become a classic and why not- it suits every eye shape after all. This one is my go-to shape as well.
There are different application tools when it comes to eyeliners. Depending on your hand stability and skill-level you could choose from any of the following.
Gel Eyeliner
This one is my personal favorite. It is like melted kohl paste and gives the most opaque eyeliner look. It can be smoothly applied using an eyeliner brush. You could use either the straight brush or one with an angled tip for precision. The only downside of this gel eyeliner- it dries out way too fast, so make sure you keep the container tightly sealed or buy it only if you use an eyeliner a lot.
Liquid Eyeliner – felt tip
Need a no fuss, easy application eyeliner, enter liquid eyeliner. This one looks more like a pen but with a felt tip. It is easy to use and is perfect for beginners. I personally don’t like using it cuz as long as the pen is facing tip down it works, but the second you bring it closer to your eyes the position of the applicator reduces the liquid that seeps to the tip, resulting in a faded eyeliner.
Liquid Eyeliner – brush tip
Another favorite of mine- liquid eyeliner with a brush tip. The liquid is inside a little container which can be applied using the brush lid. For me the finer the brush tip, the better the shape of the eyeliner. You just have to watch out for ocassional excessive liquid on the brush which could make your eyeliner thicker and smudgier than desired. If that happens rub off excess liquid along the side of the container and use a Q-tip to clean out the mess from your eyes.
Kohl Pencil
Another easy to use, perfect for beginners- Kohl pencil or kajal as some might know. It comes both as a pencil that can be sharpened when needed or in a retractable pen. I didn’t start using liquid eyeliners until I was 25-26, till then kohl pencils were my go-to whenever I needed to play up my eyes. It can be smudged for a more softer, smokier look. Urban Decay is my favorite brand for that matter and it comes in thirty different shades. Shop it HERE.
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