Can’t believe that in two nights this decade will be over and a new year will be here. Time sure flies when you are having or not having fun. It has been a whirlwind year with so much happening both at my personal and professional end. While there may be lots to ponder and forget, there are twelve things I wanted to do throw light on, that I wanted to particularly do in 2019. Call it my resolutions or just wishes, I was able to accomplish some while some are still work in progress.
1) Studio-portrait in a black maxi dress– While the picture below might not be the ideal look I had in mind, it is close to what I had envisioned. A romantic, dreamy picture in a long sensuous maxi dress inside a studio with all the lights and setup. I was able to nail the long dreamy maxi part but the studio lighting part of it failed big time. The space that I was using was way too small for the diffused lights to work and the look was certainly not what I was expecting. Anyways, I am still psyched and can’t wait to reshoot this next year.
2) Portrait in a Sari– This one I was able to accomplish in it’s entirety. I had always wished for an ornate sari, big bindi, magnificent jewelry look, one that would portray Indian glam goddess. This picture HERE sure screams “GLAM INDIAN GODDESS”. Thanks to my photographer and myself for accidentally having discovered the green backdrop in the woods behind my house.
3) Pursue blogging full-time – This was one of my goals for 2019. Mid-year I had to quit my day job under unfavorable circumstances and take up blogging full-time. Ideally, I would have liked to quit my job with more planning and one-hundred percent financial backup, but it was totally coincidental and uncalled for. Anyways, I am happy I am at least steering in the right direction and doing what I was passionate about.
4) Add more travel content to my blog– I had always wanted to travel and blog, but life, marriage, motherhood kept me away from globe-trotting. But, this year I was determined to travel more. Other than in India, where I traveled to a few cities- Delhi, Kolkata, Jaipur, I was lucky enough to able to travel to some cities within US, a couple others in North America and Bahamas as well. It does take a lot of planning and effort but it is totally worth all the pain when you become the inspiration-source of someone’s future travel itinerary.
5) Get Naturalized– While this was not under my control, I just prayed it happened before the year-end. I did all my paperwork for naturalization timely, anticipating the good news before 2019 and it finally happened. December 21st, 2019 I got naturalized and I pledged allegiance to the United States of America- I am officially an American Citizen now, which means I will have to renounce my Indian citizenship soon. Sad…not sad.
6) Get more organized– I am generally very organized both at home and at work, but working multiple jobs kind of threw things off balance. Until I quit my job, I was struggling with time-management and home organization. But ever since July, my Mary Kondo mode has been activated and things have been fairly smooth and sorted out. My house is more organized, I am spending more time decorating every space and I am loving it.
7) Get my custom-closet built– If you all have been following me, you would probably know by now that the walk-in-closet project that I took up three years ago is still up in the air. I met with a few professionals, closet-makers but never finalized anything. I was hoping to get that resolved before 2019 ended, but so far I’ve just gotten to the consultation stage with an Interior-designer that I’m hoping to work with. Is it just me, my ignorance or converting a bedroom into a closet is really a beast???
8) Go back to Gluten-free diet– I was GF for a good two years. It was my best decision, I was happy, I was healthy. But then I reintroduced gluten into my diet. I was doing just fine, as I do have some gluten-intolerance, but then I was desperate to go back to my Gluten free diet and this year was my target year. I kept postponing, blame it on my poor self-control, until a series of yeast infections compelled me to resume the diet. It was a struggle but I am happy again. Follow along my cleanse diet journey HERE.
9) Give more time to Ribhya– Can’t believe how fast Riri grew. She is already a third-grader and has her calendar chock-a-blocked with after-school activities and classes. She is a bright student, gets good grades, but I personally like to sit through her homework and other stuff. It was just not possible when I was juggling multiple jobs and a new home. Thanks to my unplanned decision of quitting my job, I am now able to dedicate more time in the evening and help her with her homework and extra-curriculars. Both of us enjoy and I get some time off my phone.
10) Blog spruce up – It has been a while I did any updates to the blog. 2019 was going to be the year for a complete blog makeover. I had been meaning to first transition from Blogger platform to WordPress and then give a new look to the blog. I haven’t been able to figure out who would be a better person for this scope of work and how will things happen till date? If you know of anyone, please send their contact my way, it will be highly appreciated.
11) Work out more– Both husband and I work out in waves. We work out regularly, then we disappear and then go back to working out and the sequence continues. I had all the good intention of getting more consistent with my workouts, but instead of getting regular, I have been slacking completely. I haven’t worked out in a few months and I can totally feel the difference in my strength and agility. Hope the new year sees more gym and yoga studio.
12) Be more present– this one is something we all need to work on. We all have become so busy that we have forgotten to enjoy life-moments. We are there but we are still not there. Just being there ain’t enough, being there with mind, body and attention is what is required. I struggle with attention, the span is really short- my focus shifts from one thing to another in seconds. This year I was more vigilant, calm and gave more time and focus to whatever I did aka I was more present.
What are the things you wanted to do before 2019 ended? How have you been in keeping up with your 2019 resolutions and wishes?
I love these goals you wanted to accomplish! I think you made great progress! I will have to think of some for 2020!
Good goals! Have a fabulous New Years Eve!
What fantastic goals!! Have a fabulous New Year, cheers to 2020!
xx, Elise
So many exciting things for you in 2019! Congratulations on your citizenship! Wishing you all the great things in 2020!
These are all amazing goals.. I'm with you.
Congrats on becoming a citizen! The sari look is amazing. Being plus size, I have always loved seeing full figured woman in two piece sari's showing belly.