It’s my birthday and I couldn’t have been more excited to be another year older, wiser and smarter
Unlike last year’s ( post HERE ), this year’s birthday post is more pictorial and a trip down the memory lane. Right from my 1st birthday, to my school and college days, to until a few years ago, I’ve tried my best to scout whatever pictures possible. I’ve done close to no editing, coz I really wanted to preserve the essence of the moment these pictures were clicked. Thanks to my mom for bringing some of these pictures, all the way from India, and thanks to a few special people for suggesting this fun, emotional and hilarious post.
Note that the number of pictures featured here is same as that of my age today- so happy guessing !!!!
1st Birthday
When your maternal grandmommy makes you the prettiest lehnga ( maxi skirt-top set ): you grin
Phone addiction at age 2
The same lehnga, year later
2nd Birthday with my mom and younger sister
5th Birthday
This I remember very well, coz when this was shot , I wanted to go take a pee so bad that I couldn’t even smile.
2nd Rakhi with my youngest sibling, my only brother.
School besties
The sister trio. Gosh, what a mess I was !!!
Family vacationing in Sikkim
Four sisters….just kidding. Mom and us.
Sikkim vacation continued, with my sisters and brother-in-law
Fashion faux-paux: cropped flared jeans and wedges
Circa 2003
Rakhi 2003 with my mom ( left ) and my maasi ( mom’s sister )
When two cousins meet after ages: madness prevails
Birthday 2005
Brother’s birthday with fam-bam
With my sweet brother
College freshers party-2005
Cousin’s birthday 2005
With the birthday girl, my cousin with the cake
Pre-wedding fun in Ranchi with my nephew
My first home visit after my marriage. My sisters and my friend.
With my soul-mate in DC
My baby shower- I literally hogged on the samosas.
My baby shower day evening with my grand daughter
The night before I delivered, enjoying a family dinner with bhaiya and bhabhi.
Ribhya’s first trip to India, circa 2011
Florida with mom, 2012
Hubby’s moroccan themed bday, 2013
Hope you enjoyed this post..
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