You must have probably come across countless Cherry Blossom inspired nail art tutorials this month, but I promise this one today is a little more than any other nail art tutorial. After browsing through a few tutorials myself, I realized that these tutorials encompassed only an outline of steps for getting those killer festive nails, but most had the quintessential talk of prepping the nails for that nail art, missing. So the aim of today’s post is to not only provide you with a tutorial, but also to equip you with the underlying basics.
Trust me, this overall prepping and polishing your nails doesn’t take too long. A few key items and twenty minutes of your busy time is all you need for an at-home-manicure-done-perfect look. So let’s get started.
Things needed:
- cotton swab and polish remover
- a bowl of warm water and your favorite hand soap
- nail clipper in case you need to clip your nails
- cuticle oil, cuticle pusher and a cuticle clipper
- nail filer and buffer
- hand moisturizer
- base coat, top coat, pastel pink and any orange polish
- fan nail art brush, for today’s tutorial I used two different brushes
- twenty minutes of your time

- With a little acetone remover on the swab, remove any old polish.
- Dip your hands in that soapy warm water for about ten minutes. This ensures soft nails and facilitates
- Wipe your hands dry, clip the nails in case you like them shorter. I skipped this step.
- Now apply the cuticle oil, leave it for two mins. Meanwhile clean the tip of the nails. Now using gentle motions, push the cuticles behind. Be careful not to push too far behind. With a cuticle clipper, clip off any rough edges, around the nails and along the nail bed.
- Use the nail filer and the buffer to give your nails the desired shape and shine.
- Moisturize with your favorite lotion.
- Now apply one coat of the base coat. For the base color I used a shade of pink ( Sally Hansen Pink Blink ) . Since this tutorial is inspired by Cherry Blossom, I picked out colors that echoed the colors of the real blooms- pink, crimson and coral. Loading some orange color ( Loreal Tangerine Crush ) on the fan brush, swipe across your nails first left-to-right and then right-to-left. I reapplied the pink using another fan brush over the orange layer. Finish off with the top coat and let dry.
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