The DIY bug seems to have bitten me big time. I have been trying my hands at a lot of easy do-it-yourselves. The most recent one I did, which I shared here, was fun, colorful and easy in every respect. I had a great time doing it and I am sure you are gonna love it too!

My closet is beaming with fresh new pieces for spring- there is color, there is texture and lots of embellishment. I am so looking forward to putting these to some good use.
Before even I (we all ) realize, Easter will be here. I am planning on hosting an Easter egg hunt this year and lots of random things/ideas are crossing my mind. One such idea is to use plastic eggs for decoration as well. I came across this colorful, egg-in-the-vase floral arrangement, which will not only be easy to put together, but also suitable for an outdoor party. Do you have suggestions for using these plastic eggs????
A friend of mine gifted me this and a few in other colors, hand-crochet beanies which have become my favorite head gear. They are so well made, but because of the wide open knit, it wasn’t practical to wear them in chilling conditions. But with the little weather warm up we are enjoying, these would be ideal and stylish too.
Pictures are worth a thousand words and this one literally brings out the joy of us being together. I usually take my outfit pics over the weekends and Ribhya loves to stay in the loop. She would run up to me, hold me and say- ” daddy me too, now take our picture ” and like any daughter’s obedient daddy would do, he takes our pictures. I have a lot of these mommy-daughter pics, which I would definitely like to share in a separate post. But for now enjoy this one!
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