Happy Tuesday Lovelies!
Saying that jumpsuits are back in fashion would’nt be correct, as theses never went out of style. They were in last year and showed up everywhere on runways this year too. The only difference is in the silhouette. This year it’s more of the dungarees. Yes ladies you hear it right! Remember the front bib top with pants stitched to it pkind of rompers, the ones that you wore as little girls???? The grown-up version of those are here.
I gave the dungaree a few shots, but somehow it never seemed to work. May be this style is not meant for my inverted-triangle-shaped body. But that doesn’t dampen by enthusiasm as a trend enthusiast. For now, an old jumpsuit will have to take the lead, and if I ever find a dungaree that works, you would be the first to know……
Congratulations to Ro williams of The Bloggerella, she is the featured blogger of the week.
Now for the link up.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.
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