Sometime things bought in anticipation of a future-slimmer-you, prove to be one of the wisest fashion picks, you would ever make in a similar situation. For instance, I bought this tulip skirt from banana republic outlet, when I was 5 months pregnant. Hoping to fit in it post-pregnancy I bought my regular size, back then . Thereafter, amidst other new-mom things I completely forgot about it. Moreover dressing up was never on the cards during the first few crazy postpartum months.
Until recently, during a massive closet purge I was reunited with them. Without wasting a second, I tried them on and tadaa …….the results are in. Three years and five months later, not 100%, but I am back to my pre-pregnancy body.
So yay to the skirt and YAY to my new, old body !
sleeveless top– Loft, very similar, a silky option
tulip skirt– Banana republic factory, similar in black, designer option for $45
wedges– Michael Kors, another MK patent leather option, similar option
clutch– The Limited, in other colors, similar for $20
Linking up at:- let it shine, monday bloom, monday mingle
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by
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