You must be wondering…..Whats up with Saumya today????? Why the weird ” WHO DO I LOOK LIKE/ RESEMBLE ???? ” caption ?
Hold on, let me catch my breath…..ok, now where was I ????? Oh ya, I was telling you about the incident, that led to this caption..—We were at an Italian restaurant for dinner on Saturday, and as expected, there was a 40 minute wait. Since it had gotten chillier outside, we agreed to wait. At the waiting lounge I noticed, there was a mother-daughter duo, waiting for their table too , were looking at me constantly and appeared to be involved in a serious argument.
A complete coincidence, as I waited to get a chair at the lounge, a seat adjacent to the mother-daughter duo got vacated. The second I sat there, the mother turned to me and without any digression said ” you are very beautiful. Do you mind my asking- if you were an ‘ Indian ‘ or ‘ Korean ‘ ? My daughter thinks you are an Indian and I say you are a Korean.”
I smiled and politely replied to the mom -Indian …LOL !!!! This random question could have been annoying to some self-obsessed folks, but instead, I was elated at their compliment and was thankful. Thereafter, we continued chatting a bit about India, the summer heat, the food, the mangoes and above all the 24×7 domestic help. We even sat in adjacent booths, eating dinner.
Whatsoever , coming back to the question of judging one’s ethnicity based on facial features, what would you think of me- ” an Indian or Korean ” , had you been seeing/ meeting me for the first time in your life ??
I know have a flat round face, small eyes and a blunt nose, but does that bring me any closer to being categorized as a Korean ???? Or my good height, thick luscious hair and fuller lips distinguishes me from an Asian ??
Look closely and tell me what you think ???
Now changing gears and talking about my outfit, I kept it simple with a jeans and a silk shirt. Since it was cold, I had no choice but to wear my new Narciso Rodriguez boyfriend style blazer ( intentional too ). The wedges, that had been sitting in my closet for over a year now, finally made their debut, accounting for the open toe shoe weather. I kept the eye makeup and blush minimal, as my new bright coral kAT VON D lipstick was meant to be the show stopper. Overall, a comfortable and put together outfit for a family dinner date.
My outfit :-
blazer- Narciso Rodriguez
blouse- Madewell
jeans- Gap
wedges- Guess
bag, watch – Michael Kors
bangle- Bauble Bar
Thanks for stopping by
Love this outfit on you. You just look gorgeous! Thanks for visiting.