Browsing through the drafts to narrow down some outfit pics for today’s post, I stumbled upon some of my outfits which sure are big bummers to say the least. Each time I look at them I hear my inner voice cry out to me – ” what the hell were you thinking? “
Admittedly deciding what to wear, which shoes to match , how to accessorize ( which I am pathetic at) and so forth can sometimes be daunting than one could imagine.The under 3 outfits prove no exception to this fashion lethargy . So to put it straight I HATE THEM ALL …What do you think of these looks ????
Your suggestions on how to improvise these looks will be truly appreciated.
Cant really make out wat u wearing in d first pic, so no comments on dat.
For d second pic i really love d pants. U can team dat up wid a lighter shade, may a lemon yellow or white and then add color on top. D lond neckpeice is a big no no for me.
N for d last one. I think t wil look nice widout d sweater n a brighter shade of shoes. Rest i consider u d fashion queen so u wil knw it best. May be u can modify a little on my advice n come up wid some "wow" outfits.
not very sure of the first outfit,,,actually cant make out what you wearing…..the second post-since the pants are too loud ,you should be wearing something subtle on top….i really like da 3rd post…..the combination is just perfectly fine